"Sharing the Real Presence of Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament, creed and deed."

Dr. Neal's ministry focuses upon proclaiming the incarnate grace of God in Jesus Christ to all people through preaching and teaching, encouraging the practice of the sacraments, and exercising all the other means of grace. The importance of disciplined, well-rounded Christian education has long been a primary focus within Greg's ministry, and that emphasis is reflected in the contents of this website.
Dr. Neal is also devoted to the full inclusion of all people in the life of Christian communities. As an out gay man, Greg knows from personal experience how painful discrimination can be. From cultural and political exclusion to rejection by family and the institutional church, Greg and his husband, Kade, have experienced what it means to be outcasts and considered "problems." Together, their ministry of grace reaches through the church and into the world, calling religious people to greater and more Christ-like expressions of repentance, acceptance, and love.
You are invited to view, listen, and read, argue with and grow through all of the resources found on Grace Incarnate. One doesn't have to be a Christian, or even agree with Dr. Neal's opinions, in order to find the materials on this website helpful. Constructive feedback and questions are always appreciated.

Grace Incarnate Ministries, Inc., is a 501c3 tax exempt ministry. Your support is always appreciated.